
Monday, 28 March 2011

Tom's blanks

I have volunteered to make a couple of segmented blanks for Tom from The Woodhaven http://thewoodhaven.co.uk/phpBB3/blog.php/

Tom is spending the day with me on the Sunday after Yandles show next month and i promised they would be done by then
Because I am very busy with orders and other commitments at the moment i have decided on an easy option.
I have picked up some Pine block board from B & Q because although it is a bit expensive it is very high quality and well finished.
This means all I have to do is cut it up glue it and cut it to a round without having to sand it.
The piece I bought is ten feet by twelve inches just enough to make two eleven inch blanks.
This is a very easy option if you want to make a couple of segmented blanks as all you need is a hand saw and some clamps.
To make the blanks you need to crosscut as many pieces as you need for the end grain slices then rip some to cut the long grain cut to the same length.
As i am doing these for somebody else i thought i would use my table saw as it gives a better cut.
I cannot remember the last time i used the table saw it is only normally used for joinery work.
A lot of my machinery is on wheels to enable me to move them around easily and take up less space.
Before i use my table saw i check that the sliding table is square to the blade and the blade is upright.
For this exercise there is no need to check but it is a good habit to get into.
Here we have the piece of Pine block board ready to saw up.
Board crosscut and ripped ready for gluing up.

These slices are glued up in alternate rows giving a segmented appearance which is very effective when turned.
Glued and clamped ready for drying.

Here we have the first blank ready for turning.

This is what toms bowl will hopefully look like when it is turned.


  1. Hi George
    Love your block turning WIP, as always very informative. I may even have a go myself.
    Take Care and keep on with your wonderful work.
    Still aspiring

  2. Hi Elaine.
    Good to hear from you.
    These blanks are very easy to make and the effect is quite stunning,
    I intend to make some more differant segmented blanks but i seem to be struggling for time at the moment.
    Say hello to Mum for me I hope she is keeping well,

  3. Hi George
    Mum is doing OK, it always makes her smile when I tell her you have said 'hello'. Costs nothing but has great effect, thanks for always asking. Linda is doing well too you'll be pleased to know, that's my lathe :))
    Will call in when next down that way.
