
Monday 22 September 2014

Paddy and Eleanor

Paddy has been here before for a days Tuition and this time she brought her Sister Eleanor with her as a Birthday present.
We had a lovely day and the both made a nice bowl to take home.

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Garden sculpture

Just completed a Garden Sculpture.
The Sculpture is made From English Elm that was somewhere inside a local farmhouse.It was covered in lime plaster so it might have been some sort of beam
It is scorched and finished with Teak oil about six feet high.

Master class with Nick Agar

 I have managed to book a Master class with Nick Agar on the 5Th June next year in my workshop.
This is extra to the Master classes that mark Sanger and I will run thought the year.

This year I had a Master class here with Roly Munro and Several with Mark Sanger and they were all great success
Link to Nick Agar's Website
Link to Mark Sangers Website