
Saturday, 28 April 2012

A batch of Bud Vases

I have been making Bud Vases for sale and for the courses that Mark Raby and I hold.
I am aiming to make one hundred as every day of our courses takes six and we have another five days of courses booked for this year that is thirty.
Some will go to Galleries where they are proving to be very popular.
Myself and Mark Raby are doing a selling and demonstrating weekend in Camarthen West Wales in August where we hope to sell quite a few.
As you can see from the pics I do these in batches to save time.First I cut up all of the Yew branch wood into lengths then make a spigot on each one.Then they are turned to shape and left ready for final sanding,colouring,lacquering and burnishing
The Bud Vases are sanded through all the grits to 800 grit and then finished with Webrax. The sanding has to be absolutely perfect or as soon as colour is applied every sanding mark will show no matter how small.Spirit stain is then applied using safety cloth prior to applying two coats of Mylands Acrylic gloss lacquer and burnishing

To enlarge the pics left click on pic

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Finishing texturing and colouring course April 2012

Last weekend Myself and Mark Raby carried out two days of Finishing texturing and colouring courses.
Here are a few random pics from the weekend.Our next course will be on the 7Th and 8Th of July and there are still a few places left.
To enlarge pics left click on pic.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Thank you Ian.

As some of you will know myself and Mark Raby do Finishing texturing and colouring courses here in my workshop in Somerset.
Part of our course is to finish colour and burnish a Yew bud vase as in the following pic.

To enlarge pics left click on pic.

Recently we have had a problem getting hold of suitable Yew branch wood as Yew and Laburnum are  best for this exercise.
An Email to Ian Metheringham of Turners Cabin turned up trumps not only did Ian send me a box of free Yew he has kindly offered to sponsor the wood supplies for future courses.
Very good qualite wood as you casee from the following pic

Our next course is on the 7Th and 8Th of July and again on the 9T and 10Th of September.
For all of your woodturning supplies contact Turners Cabin link here.Turners Cabin
There is Info about future courses on my Website Link here

All of this Yew has now been turned into Bud vases ready for our next course in July.

One of the blanks has made a very nice bowl that I will be sending to Ian as a thank you.

Friday, 13 April 2012

Yandles show today

Today I spent the day at Yandles spring sow.
It was very busy most of the day and as usual a great show.

To enlarge pics left clic on pic

Monday, 9 April 2012

Peter from Reading

Last Friday and Saturday I was teaching Peter from Reading.Peter is a member of Berkshire Woodturning Association Link here where I did an evening demo a couple of months ago.
Peter is a novice turner who quite sensibly decided to get tuition  before he got into too many bad habits.
We spent two days going through Safety,tool profiling and sharpening ,obtaining and processing wood,proper and safe use of tools and equipment .
Peter was a very sensible student who made notes all the way through the two day coarse even though he was given An Aide Memoire to take away that covered everything we did and more.The Aide Memoire is the same as the one Mark Sanger gives his Students Mark kindly gave me permission to use it.
Both days Peter patiently practised and perfected his tooling on face and spindle work and completed two projects as you can see in the following pics.

To enlarge pics left click on pic.